Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detailKnow about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail

Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail

Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail
Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail

Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail Friends, today I am going to use a video to explain to you how you will receive money from 100 applications. I will also list the names of the 100 applications, the trucks, and the procedures for withdrawing money.

You can understand all these applications from the application, Today I am going to show you the name of the applications; in what way will you get the name, Where will I get it, sir, Send some details and tell you people.

What will happen with this? Whatever loan information I will share with you people, you will get it, you guys will know that for a few days I was showing you the live proof that people are getting, I have received money, I showed you the live bank statement; I showed the proof of the message; and at the same time, whatever is subscribed.

If a friend applied, then there is a lot of message in it, I also showed live proof to you people; if those people are getting it, then why will you not get it? Here,  you people should know the right way, only then can you withdraw money from people, if you do not know, then you will never be able to withdraw money, and whatever is left, you will not get rejection. So I am going to tell you guys the trick

I will also tell you which loan application is from that but before that, I will tell you that whatever application is here is not on the Play Store, You people know that Google RBI and many more are needed, which are together here, and whatever personal application was removed from the Play Store here.

It is coming on the Play Store for two to three days; after that, whatever is there is disappearing again, but it is still active, not so much, but still whatever it is, Where are people getting it from, I am telling you people from where to get it from the application, not on the play store, not on Google, You people will get it.

Where do you know, You get it on Facebook and Instagram, and only in that will you get to see the advertisement of the loan application and from there, I am going to show you people.

In this way, whatever loan applications you get, you will get more than one hundred and you can also apply. Okay, I will tell you the trick I am going to tell you: first of all, the name of that application, after that, you people apply it, but you people have to understand only then you can apply, otherwise, you will get rejection only. And I’ll show you guys

After all, that is the loan application, which you are getting to see the screen recording here. First of all, you will get to see the name of a loan application in the first advertisement itself, You can see the loan application here. Now,  whatever the website of the application is here, it has opened, and the option of downloading will also come.

If you click in download, then the application will also be downloaded, and I will also show it to you. Whatever is written here, there is no need to pay attention to it. The amount of  50000 to 10 lakhs is written, but you will not even get 5000; you will get  2003000 late, and it is very good.

If you click in download, then there will be an option to download a small application here because it is an outside application. You will be given a little warning here, but you have to continue; otherwise, it will not download. You will have to download, and only then will that application be downloaded in your phone. I will get to see the website

As you people are getting to see, whatever is happening here, whatever is real of Instagram, you are getting to see it only in it, Okay, so whatever website of Rupee Pocket is here, it has come here, and here you people do not need to pay attention to whatever details you are getting to see here; just download. And you have to put all the details there and apply, Okay, if you get it, then 100%  is being seen in this way.

If I go to tell you people here with more than  100 thousand loan applications, then maybe this video can be  1 hour and 2 hours, then I am telling you the process of more than  100, which is getting to see from the loan application, you guys can withdraw it, money is ok, I am showing You guys have a little look; I am showing you guys how much the application costs.

That you people will get to see, told about the show applications, but you are telling about some applications shown to people, but I showed you people that you will also get  1000 applications, Where will you get it, Only you have to scroll, and you will get to see advertisements in this way and in this way, you will get all the loan applications. It was shown that two or three video calls were made

After that, the advertisement that is coming is coming loan, scrolled again, After that, whatever advertisements is coming is a boy, but the trick that you guys have to apply is that I will tell you first but otherwise you people will get into trouble, It is necessary to apply the trick here.

Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail
Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail

Because if you guys have applied earlier also, your document must have been put there. Again,  you guys use a new phone, but you are putting the document from there; it is present, If the SIM document goes to them, then your loan will be rejected.

If I am telling you guys what to do after that, Manu, you guys were on the play store earlier, When you used to give loan, that means you used to give loan every time, without people getting it, What do you have to do on loan, Action means you must have applied in this way, On applying, you have to use that document If I did not apply

Whatever trick you had told you, apply that whatever you have, a new phone means a new phone in which you have never applied, There is no need to do this, but otherwise your own money will be lost, whether you get money or not, It is not in saying that you have to take  10 20000 30000  from there; it is like this. You have to keep a target: who do you scare people and through whom do you do it?

Your contact details are to be kept there in such a way that if he calls, then he goes to someone else or he does not understand the phone, You guys, I cannot tell you all the things here; you have told people a little bit, and after that, whatever the transaction, SMS which is there, will have to stay on the phone, What are you guys?

You are reducing people in a simple way, you have to apply in the same way, you have to apply some other way, which I told you guys, I will get so much people are getting, why will you not get it, you guys must try, you guys will get it, I am telling you guys that you will get  100%, ok Jai Hind

Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail
Know about Top 100+ Fraudulent Loan Apps in detail

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