Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep todayGood news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today

Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today


Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today
Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today

Good news ,Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today! Right now, I am telling you guys that if you can get enough sleep, it will end. You guys can sleep peacefully, and whatever the stress inside your mind, the depression will end totally.

Friends, a couple of days ago I made a video in which the name of a very big NBFC came up, which has been canceled. The RBI has made this a big achievement. People have got us, and you people have done this work together.

Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today
Good news! Loan defaulters will get a peaceful sleep today

I told you guys that you did this; you did the thing due to which you got to see the result here. What has happened after seeing this result? I am telling you people that this is just the first stage of achievement, and now you people have to see

The same thing is happening with how many people; that means it is happening with how many applications, definitely because if an application is made here, it means that yes, RBI can make it here; the applications are not working properly there; whatever is there, the license has been canceled.

If you guys see live examples, then whatever applications are here, it is reducing in the same ways; it does not seem like this; there is nothing like this; the super license will be canceled; if it has happened, then everyone’s license will be canceled; this news has come; it has been seen; due to which you people will have a little work; why will the work be done? I am telling you.

Here there will be fear inside the mother of those people; here the license was canceled, and the RBI was imposing a penalty; that is a different matter; the brother was going out by paying money, but the license will be canceled. This thought will be in the minds of those people; what will they do here now?

Before I harass you, you will think 100 times that you are also doing it. If anything like this is happening, then their license can also be canceled here. It does not seem to be so brainy, these people think.

That brother, how to get money, no matter what anyone does, but from now on, you people are coming to know that it is also an NBFC; it was a very big NBFC, on which whatever was done, whatever was made, it was writing the answers of the people, deleting the updates.

Is this NBFC present at the present time? What details are not written? Is he not threatening you, people? Is it not working in an illegal way? A data link does not mean that someone else has given your answer; sharing your personal information with someone else means you have taken your loan.

Information is to call someone else and tell them that you were a thief by taking a loan, etc. You people mean it is a question of your reputation, it is spoiling your reputation, here where the company does not have the rights that no company has the right to spoil anyone’s reputation.

But still, these people are doing it. You can understand that now, whatever is there among these people, it will definitely be closed. I am telling you people with a guarantee because I have an example. Now, whatever is there, I have a green signal. RBI can become anyone at any time. You people do not have to be afraid here. You guys sleep peacefully. You guys here do not have to be afraid that Brother Company will do everything to you; everything will do everything.

RBI will ban the company because RBI has said that whatever brother do, Borawar will have some problem, then brother, the company will start facing problems, RBI has clearly told this and you have to understand this thing, RBI is with you people.

Here, the RBI knows to what level the company goes, thinks of harassing people, and how high they go to harass them. These people harass in a dirty way, but what happens is that these people wait for the right time.

Whenever what happens is that the pot of sin will be totally full, then whatever is there has not flowered, but it is going to happen; this much has been done. Now whatever is left, there is also some time left; everyone is angry at being full. Whatever the loan applications are, now be a little careful, brother, I am telling you guys.

If you are watching through this video, then because an application has been canceled here, it is not far that, brother, your application will be closed; it will also be closed; reduce it properly; otherwise, brother, your business of chocolate will be completely closed.

Friends, here I am telling you that you do not need to take tension, as long as you are with people, you do not need to take tension at all, here I provide information to you people, you are also afraid inside your mind, it should end, you guys become tension free.

I don’t want anything more than this, I know you guys, whatever I tell you people here through the video, till date till date, I have not taken a single rupee from anyone, I do free of cost because it is a matter of loan, you are already not able to give money in money, so I am here for money if I am you I will tell people to give money, I will do this and that to you.

If I give this, then here you will get free course, all the services are not going to be available here and you people need free of cost service, then free of cost is going to stay for you people for lifetime as long as I am posted.

I am going to end the fear inside your mother, so friends, I have come here to say that whatever fear was inside your mother, it must have ended. From now on, whatever is there, you can do your work; there is no need to take any problem, there is no need to face any problem; do not take tension at all, just this thing, you guys.


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